calyx|calyces|calyxes in English


[ca·lyx || 'keɪlɪks]

protective outer layer of leaves on a bud (Botany); cup-like part of the kidneys (Medicine)

Use "calyx|calyces|calyxes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "calyx|calyces|calyxes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "calyx|calyces|calyxes", or refer to the context using the word "calyx|calyces|calyxes" in the English Dictionary.

1. Their collective name is the calyx.

2. Calyx teeth prominent, connate and persistent.

3. Calyx 5 - parted almost to base.

4. B = Bicapitate, U = unicapitate, D = disked; ornamentation: S = spines, C = calyces

5. Female flowers: green, sessile; calyx sparsely pubescent; ovary globose, ± enclosed by appressed calyx, surrounded closely by bract and Bracteoles

6. Taking fig and Roselle calyx as materials , the fig and Roselle Calyx cake was produced with the complex gel.

7. In other words, the epicalyx is a group of bracts resembling a calyx or Bracteoles forming a whorl outer to the calyx

8. 5 to 8 Bracteoles outer to the calyx

9. CALYX globally ranks as the largest supplier of Pyrazinamide.

10. Once pollination occurs, the corolla falls and the calyx expands until it entirely covers the boll that is developing (the calyx is called accrescent).

11. Although the smooth mericarps of Salvia lack bristles, hooks or other means of attaching to animals, the calyces of some species readily Abscise at fruit maturity and are richly endowed with hooks or sticky trichomes, which can adhere the calyx--and enclosed fruit--to passing animals, including people.

12. Campanulate: Calyx resembles a bell-shape, as in Lathyrus odoratus

13. 15 CALYX globally ranks as the largest supplier of Pyrazinamide.

14. 17 Gallygaskins A single primrose with a distorted and swollen calyx.

15. The saccate calyx and epicalyx with unilateral development encloses an actinomorphic flower.

16. Increasing in size after flowering, as the calyx of the ground cherry.

17. Woolly Bluecurls gets its common name from the colorful (white to purple) woolly hairs that cover the stems and calyces

18. Each has a sub-Campanulated five-lobed corolla and a five-parted calyx

19. Variegated varieties with inflorescences composed of multiple florets, each with a modified calyx.

20. Achene (commonly solitary) enclosed in the 4-angled dry and thickish closed calyx-tube

21. 11 words related to bract: inflorescence, calycle, calyculus, epicalyx, false calyx, husk, Bracteole

22. A series of bracts subtending and resembling a calyx, as in the carnation and hibiscus.

23. Dispersal begins when the fruit (and sometimes the enclosing calyx) Abscises from the mother plant

24. 9. The ectoderm and endoderm of the calyx-stalk are each composed of one cell type.

25. See what Calyx Liao (Calyxl) found on Pinterest, the home of the world's best ideas.